Hey there, I'm
Seth Nelson.
Full Stack Web Developer

Who I am

Web Developer who is determined to give users the most fluid and functional experience possible. Creating websites and applications for the modern world that have purpose.

Somebody who is motivated to join a team and create relationships that ensure positive teamwork and work ethic.

I'm looking for an intro position or internship, and would love to hear about your current and upcoming projects! See if my resume fits your team.

Here are some of the languages and technologies I work with

html5 logo
css3 logo
less logo
javascript logo
javascript logo
react logo
node.js logo
postgres logo
python logo


Learn how each project was built. See the code. See the site.


HTML | CSS | LESS | JavaScript

This is a version of basic Tetris with the functionality built entrely in JavaScript. It uses a grid generated with a loop, then utilizes indexes in a grid format to move the element classes to give the visualization of moving boxes.

What I did

  • Utilize loops and DOM manipulation to build a grid
  • Implemented array indexing to move the blocks and add rotational effects
  • Structured boundaries with modulo operators to limit side travel off of the board
  • Created a scoreboard and game reset for greater user functionality

tetris gif

Express Groomer

React | Context API | Styled-Components | Node | Knex | OKTA | AWS

Express Groomer is built on React, and uses Node and Knex to call a built backend server. It utilizes OKTA for login authentication for different profile types. I completely redesigned the UI and UX for the app using styled components, Less, Sass and ant design.

What I did

  • Implemented styling changes using Ant Design and styled-components
  • Constructed a pet login form to submit pets to your user profile
  • Assess and debug backend CRUD operations
  • Updated content and mobile friendliness

express groomer gif

My Task App

React | Reducer Hook | Styled-Components | Moment | Hover.css

This app was built using React. It utilizes reducer hooks to manage the task state. The styling reflects a VS code style color scheme.

What I did

  • Fabricate actions and cases to determine state of the components
  • Utilized hover.css library to create beautiful and fluid annimations
  • Implemented moment library for tracking time
  • Created styling with styled-components

my task app gif

NW Breweries

React | Redux | Axios

This app was built using React. It uses axios to make a call to a server API for data. The data is then posted to the page and listed in the order the API stores it.

What I did

  • Immplement async Redux state management
  • Post an axios request to recieve and format data specifically from Washington State
  • Create a loading state for when the data is being processed (currently hard coded)
  • Display data on the front end

nw brewery app image

Crypto Tracker - Dark Mode

React | State Management | Hooks

This app was pre-built, and required a dark mode implementation using state management and custom hooks. I implemented a custom hook to change the style upon toggle of a state change.

What I did

  • Built a hook to toggle a dark mode state by removing a classlist from page content
  • Modified button feature to show annimation and clean styling during toggle
  • Implemented a local storage hook to remember the user toggled preference

crypto tracker dark mode gif

Send me a message.
Let's chat or grab a coffee.